Astronest Wiki

Roles and functions of Formation

  • Formation is a disposition of your fleets for a battle.
  • Each formation can buff a specific weapon or ship.
  • Total 9 formations can be obtained by conducting researches and the researches require a specific level of research capacity.
  • It is impossible to change the formation during a battle.
[ Fig 01 Formation Development ]
Screenshot 20160826-055606
NAME AP Gold Mineral Resrach EFFECT 1


Single Line 5 200 60 0 BEAM ATK +10   
Central Projection 8 10,000 3,000 50 ALL EVA +15   
Central Repression 9 18,000 5,400 90 MISSILE ACC +25   
Double Projection 10 64,000 19,200 180 ALL RES +15   
Double Repression 12 154,000 46,200 300 FIGHTER ATK +25   
Frontal Artilery 15 530,000 159,000 600 CANNON ATK +20   
Rear Artillery 18 1210,000 363,000 1,400 FIGHTER RES +30 CANNON RES -10
Central Assault 20 1,850,000 555,000 2,600 CANNON EVA +30 MISSILE RES -20
Central Guard 22 2,280,000 684,000 4,000 All ATK +30 ALL ACC -20